federal leadership efforts

note.. you may have come here due to my efforts, Silverado Brooks Socrates, to be the Federal green party leader. I want to know my fur family left at home are safe while doing anything away.. most people do want their family to be safe and happy at all times. Anyone's wishing to help people should never compromise their abilities to take care of themselves and their loved ones.....

I believe that the green party is the party that is the one that has people dedicated to helping the people more than any others. I had hoped to be given a proper chance to throw myself into this leadership race. Seems that I fell on my face, but that I did it quickly and it didn't really hurt. Learned lots of what to do and what not to do in the next round! Peace is a major component of the green party platform and compassion, I believe, is integral to bringing this to fruition among those who are at war with themselves or others. I have been reading the book "I'm right and you're and Idiot" by James Horgan, and seems this is on key with his messages towards why society is so divided. We need to honestly try to step in our "opponent's shoes, so to speak... try to understand why we see the world so different from one another despite the fact that we do live on the same planet.

I am still hoping to work with the green party to bring about the bigger dreams of the Magic Peace Park. I plan to learn more of each of the candidates and support the green party as a whole in moving forward to bring green party policies to more communities. I believe that it, more than any other party, has systems and people in place to objectively work on behalf of the greater good for the planet and the living creations on it.

I am going to inject an aside to introduce a book that i have not read but which resonates with me... and the idea of Fort Socs being a school of thought and conscious action. I am planning to explore the US and Canada and return to my school/ home with the idea of swapping stories with teachers and students from other schools of life virtually and in real time. We do this all the time, but without really thinking of the priceless value.

"For forty years, Parker J. Palmer has worked on behalf of teachers and others who choose vocations for reasons of the heart, but may lose heart because of the troubled, sometimes toxic, systems in which they work. Hundreds of thousands of readers have benefitted from The Courage to Teach, which takes teachers on an inner journey toward reconnecting with themselves, their students, and their colleagues, and toward reclaiming vocational passion.

The Courage to Teach builds on a simple premise: good teaching cannot be reduced to technique, but is rooted in the identity and integrity of the teacher. Good teaching takes myriad forms, but good teachers share one trait: they are authentically present in the classroom, deeply connected with their students and their subject. These connections are held in the teacher's heart--the place where intellect, emotion, and spirit converge in the human self.

Good teachers weave a life-giving web between themselves, their subjects, and their students, helping their students learn how to weave a web for themselves."

A possible step to helping bring Fort Socs into the political conversation with votes and a voice along with the election of the green party leader, is to become a green party member. Using the link provided, a minimum $10 can have you become a green party member. $7.50 would be available as a tax credit and the $10 would be able to be part of the application fee of one of the nominees. I am not sure if they have all paid the full application fee, so i would suggest waiting until you know who you want to support to be the leader. I am going to start following and communicating with these candidates as well as other green party folk both provincially and in other countries with plans to share and discuss some of the conversation results.

if you want, you are welcome to look at my website from the 2019 federal election. I ran as an independent in that one, partly thanks to my self sabotaging myself in my local green party candidate nomination! I felt that I should follow through with the local leadership race since i had told myself and others that i would run. www.okanagangold.net is the link to it.

To join the green party and/ or possibly support a particular candidate, you can go to the following webpage:
